Thursday, December 11, 2008

Enough is enough - I say Merry Christmas

Turn the other cheek has long been a part of my language. It comes from my christian upbringing and reminds us to offer forgiveness and an opportunity when we are wronged. As a Catholic I continue to try and practice this most subtle and selfless gesture. However, in a world (USA) where christians and catholics are constantly berated and joked about (everything from CNN to Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Maher - absolutely no relation to me) how many cheeks should we turn? That was a rhetorical reference - I know that I must continue.

The latest attack, or should I say annual attack on the faith of roughly 85% of the US population (Christianity) has started again. If you have not seen the story in Washington state take a look here. From my point of view - if you don't want to celebrate the birth of our savior - don't do it. That is one of the things that makes this country great. Worship your own lord or belief system, but you don't have the right to disparage my lord and faith in the process.

I know everyone had a laugh at the 'Festivus for the Rest of Us' episode of Seinfeld, but the message behind it is truly hurtful and wrong. Christmas is a christian holiday - it is not about Santa Claus and snowmen. That being said, I defend the right of the writers, actors and producers to their freedom of speech. I also have the right to turn off the television, personally boycott the writers, actors, producers, sponsors ..... You get the point.

My family thinks I am nuts sometimes. The only way I can speak my mind is to speak with my wallet. I refuse to purchase certain products, I refuse to watch movies with certain actors/actresses in them and I turn off most professional sports (another post on that one) only because it is my way of excercising my freedoms. I do it without stepping on anyone's rights - I just wish more people would follow through on this type of action.

In the end - this is the season.... It is the season for forgiveness, for preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ. Take the time to prepare yourself. I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

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