Saturday, December 13, 2008

Experts? Who said they were experts?

There are no sour grapes in this post. The election is behind us and the next several years will show us what we just elected. My question, in light of the way the current congressman and women are acting, is who said we elected them to be experts? At anything? The way the 535 congressmen and senators have been acting seems to imply they were elected because of their brilliance and ability to manipulate, I mean manage, health care - financial markets - the automobile industry - energy .... When in fact the majority of them made it to Capitol Hill as lawyers.
I mean no disrespect to lawyers. How does a lawyer know what is best for the economy? How does a lawyer understand health care and what is right for the masses? Quite simple - THEY DON'T! Apparently winning an election is the first step in manipulating the future of the millions.
If this is not the case - please explain Nancy Pelosi to me, and she is one of the few non-lawyers on the hill. What background does she have to carry the influence that she wields? She has no background in health care, energy, manufacturing, finance (other than her own family wealth). In fact - her biography only lists that she graduated college. No specialty - no further study ... But she is directing how her party, and the rest of congress, should be taking on these issues that have huge implications for today and tomorrow. Not to complain to much about Pelosi, she is but an example of the 'I am in - now what can I change' gang known as the legislative branch of government.
I am 100% opposed to term limits as We, the people, should be smart enough to vote those out of office that do not represent us well. I am opposed to un-educated voters being allowed, often hand delivered, to vote. Differences are what makes us strong - so this is not about those that disagree with me being blocked from voting. I just believe that people caught up in the hype are not capable of rational thought. Without rational thought - how qualified are you to even vote?

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